If the player decides to try again and finishes slower than the first time.Ĭpt. Otherwise come over to the monitors for debrief. Climb up the ladder if you want an other go. Price remarks the player's performance depending on how well he does.Ĭpt. Soap sprints to a red circle painted on the floor. Price: Final position, go! Sprint to the finish! He throws a flashbang and two targets pop up.Ĭpt. Soap arrives at a door which is exactly the same as the other that was passed before. Soap runs to a room when two targets pop up. Soap tosses a flashbang and covers as it explodes. Several other arrows are painted on the walls and on the floor. Soap clears the room, passes a door and another door with Mess painted on it. The player follows the red arrows and continues through the course. Soap grabs the rope, slides down, and begins the course. Then hit positions 3 and 4, following my precise instructions at each position. After that, you will storm down the stairs to position 2. Price: On my go, I want you to rope down to the deck and rush to position 1. Price: Pick up that MP5 and four flashbangs.

Soap climbs the ladder to the top of the course.Ĭpt. Gaz holds the current squadron record at 19 seconds. For this test you'll have to run the cargo-ship solo in less than 60 seconds. What the hell kind of name is Soap, eh? How'd a muppet like you pass Selection? Soap, it's your turn for the C.Q.B. Go easy on him sir, it's his first day in the regiment.Ĭpt. They all wear gas masks, except Captain Price. Two of them face the player and the two others turn back to see. In the hanger, a group of four men are waiting. When approaching hangar number one, the door opens slowly and the player enters. There is a parking lot with HMMWVs and a field with three Black Hawks, while another is making a circle around the base, landing at each turn and taking off again. Behind a fence, a highway with military vehicles, buses and civilians cars can be seen. Soap exits the armory and walks through an alley with a lot of trucks and cars. Gaz: Nice! Your fruit killing skills are remarkable! Captain Price wants to see you. Using your knife is even faster than switching to your pistol. Gaz: Remember - switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading. Gaz: Proper good job mate! Now go get a side arm from the armory. If failed to hit the targets fast enough: Gaz: As long as you're aiming near the target, you can snap onto them by repeatedly popping in and out of aiming down the sight.
Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles only - the player is noted that to pull LT/L1 to automatically switch to a nearby target. Now I'm going to make the targets pop up one at a time. Bullets will penetrate thin, weak materials like wood, plaster and sheet metal. I want you to shoot the targets through the wood. Gaz: Now I'm gonna block the target with the sheet of plywood. The player is noted the crosshair expands as he fires, the bigger the less accurate. Now shoot at the targets while firing from the hip. Gaz: Okay mate, one more time when aiming down your sights. The player is asked if invert axis is needed. Shoot each target when aiming down your sight. Gaz: You know the drill, get to station one and aim your rifle downrange, Soap. "Soap" MacTavish is at an SAS training compound with Gaz in Credenhill, UK. Gaz: We've got a new guy joining us today fresh out of Selection. Word on the street is he's got the minerals to be top dog down there. Currently the second most powerful man in the Middle East. John Price: Just another day at the office. We've got a civil war in Russia, government loyalists against Ultranationalist rebels, and 15,000 nukes at stake. Gaz: Good news first: the world's in great shape. The Middle East and Russia are analyzed as war breaks out in the two areas. A satellite shows the world as it would be in the present day (2011).